Get the Right Fit. Services When You Need Us.

Vaughn Associates provides the following professional services:

Our target clients are early stage, emerging and middle market businesses, both privately-held as well as publicly traded enterprises. We also have a growing not-for-profit practice.

Depending upon your needs, our services range from as little as one day per month to as many as four to five days per week. We also provide resources when company personnel are absent for extended periods of time, but are expected to return, such as under maternity, paternity and health-related circumstances.

Although we are a professional service business with CPAs, we complement your company’s outside CPA firm rather than compete against them. Our focus is on operational matters; your company’s outside audit firm reports on your company’s financial statements. Our involvement with your company’s CPA firm can often lead to efficiencies and cost reductions. In fact, many of our referrals come from CPA firms where, for independence reasons, they are not able to assist the company in operational matters requiring attention.

We also have extensive experience in assisting foreign entities in establishing and maintaining U.S.-based operations and subsidiaries. To date we have undertaken this type of project with parent companies located in Canada, Bangladesh, England, Finland, Germany, India, Ireland, Israel and Italy.